A Picky Eater's Diet

Striving to make "diet" food taste good!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Choosing the Recipes

My husband told me over Christmas that once the holidays were over, WE were going on a diet. Nice, huh? LOL! Over the years, we have both put on more than a few pounds. I have started (and stopped) Weight Watchers several times and dropped a few pounds every time, but have never been able to stick with it. In the past, my husband wanted no part of my diet, so I had to cook a seperate meal for him AND watch him eat something that I couldn't have. So, I was actually ecstatic when he said we are going on a diet! The only problem is, I'm a picky eater...and my husband is even pickier! So what do we eat on a picky eater's diet??

I started by having my husband look through some of my Weight Watchers cookbooks. He picked out some recipes that looked good to him and we went grocery shopping! For us, it's all about ingredients...finding recipes that have ingredients we both like and finding ways to change them if we don't!

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